


Hey there!
So, I'm finally starting a blog. Go ahead, clap! Or cheer... Whatever you prefer :)
Dear, oh dear, why are you starting a blog? You might be wondering, and I am here to tell you why. You see, I'm very much interested in writing. But I'm so sick and tired of writing for no one.
I want to get noticed , I want an actual human being to read my writing, you know what I'm saying?
Besides, If I continue to write and hide it all under my bed I'm never going to get better, and that's just the truth.
I'm hoping for people to read my writing and enjoy it. I want feedback, which is mainly why I'm starting a blog. I'm also starting a blog because... well, It's fun!
So, I think I should tell you about myself:
You can call me A, and I'm a 15 year old girl. As I have mentioned before, I LOVE writing.. and loving writing links to having an obsession with reading. Two of my favorite books are:

                                                           Skinny By Donna Cooper

                Wonder By R.J. Palacio               
I'll be honest here, I'm only adding two books because using pictures is annoying.
I also love making jewellery. On my free time I will either read, write, or watch Smallville (SMALLLLLLLVILLLEEEEEE!) You can call my a dork, but I am absolutely *obsessed* with that show!

I'm going to be around Blogger for a very long time, so all I ask of you ( whoever is reading this) is that you bare with me and I promise I'll get better.
I love you, just because.
Happy random reading <3

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